Dev Report #7 - New year-ish update

Happy new years, everyone ! ( I know I'm late on this. Just faz-bear with me here )

Since the last update, I made quite some progress on the system that I had in mind for this dating sim, alongside other stuff, which I'm gonna mention below.

-made a functioning environment navigation system for the player's in-game apartment, although not all the sprites for it are done/ fully updated. Currently, there needs to be added a closet and a shower, which are gonna work a little differently.

-started work on a similar area for the pizzeria.

-found a way to better initiate interactions with the animatronic of the player's choosing. The choice isn't as obvious, but it is more immersive.

-adjusted the dialogue bar so it sits lower. This makes it easier to see the sexy stuff once they're put in the game.

-fixed the field where the player adds their name so that it's no longer possible to add a name that's longer than the character name field

-started work on re-writing the intro to something I think is more interesting.

I know it doesn't look like much, but I think I only need a little more tinkering to finish off having a new system for the game that I can work with. 

Thanks for reading and I will see you next time. See ya !

Get Five Nights With The Boys

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